Stefano Pasquini

(When the impetus shows itself)
42 OFF
A new space for contemporary art
Via Carteria 58, Modena, ITALY
Opening Friday June 23rd, 6.30 PM
For the inaugural opening of the project room of Galleria 42 Stefano Pasquini returns to Modena (Italy) with an installation titled "Quando l'impeto si Manifesta" (When the impetus shows itself), where the artist deals with the cancellation of Manifesta 6 due to problems between the authorities of Nicosia, Cyprus, and the curators. With this installation Pasquini recounts in his eccentrical and transversal way the artist's role in today's society - and the illogical impetus that makes the artist keep producing work - where he is often asked to perform a certain type of public art interaction that at times only exists in a virtual way, as in reality there is no such interest in general public. The exhibition includes a sound section with a 1993 interview Pasquini held with Jay Jopling (Damien Hirst's gallerist) and an interactive section where the spectator is expected to interact with the installation by giving an opinion on the work. A series of watercolors about Manifesta and the role and impetus of the contemporary artist accompany the installation. Furthermore, during the opening, an art critic will meet a special guest to discuss the project over some very particular cocktails especially prepared by bar director Cesare Malagoli. The public will assist from outside the space, then cocktails will be served for all at the next door Malagoli bar.
The show will be visible from the columnade of Via Carteria 58 throughout the summer.
Curated by Galleria 42contemporaneo, 42 OFF - via carteria 58 41100 (MO) tel. ++39-059-222199 e-mail: -
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